N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Napoleonic Timeline of 1806

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Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806

1st January – The Senate receives the flags captured during the campaign of Austria. – 5 January – The Mayors of Paris vote the building of an arch of triumph at Napoleon's glory. – 26 January – Return of Napoleon 1st at Paris. – 28 January – The Senate decrees a monument at the Emperor.

13 February – Napoleon I writes at the Pope: Your Holiness is the sovereign of Rome, but I am the Emperor. All my enemies must be yours.- – 17 February – A decree orders the construction of the arch of triumph of the Place de l'Étoile. – 19 February – A decree prescribes to solemnly celebrate the 15 August of each Year, the feast of Saint-Napoleon and the restoration of the of the Catholic religion in France. – 20 February – Napoleon orders that the basilica of Saint-Denis will be used as the burial of his House. – 22 February – A decree prohibits the introduction in France of cotton fabrics manufactured abroad. – 26 February – Order of Napoleon: an arch of triumph   will be erected on the site of the Carrousel at the glory of the French army.

2nd March – In a speech at the opening of the session of the Legislature, Napoleon says: My armies have left of defeat when I told them not to battle, I have avenged the rights of weak states oppressed by the strong and my allies have increased in thensance and consider my enemies were humiliated and confused. – 3rd March – A decree adds to the Conservatory of Music a special school of declamation. – 12 March – In a report presented at the Emperor, the minister of the Interior Jean-Baptiste de Nompère de Champagny offers of replacing the statue of Charlemagne by one of Napoleon at the top of the column planned for the Place Vendome. – 18 March – Establishment of employment tribunals. – 21 March – Pope Pius VII replies to Napoleon (see above at the date of the 13 February): Your Majesty establishes that in principle he is Emperor of Rome. We meet with the franchise that the Apostolic Pope, now, from both of centuries which no ruler can be proud, sovereign of Rome, does not recognize and never acknowledged in his State than any other at the thensance own. – 30 March – A statute establishes the rights and duties of members of the Imperial House towards the Emperor. Joseph Bonaparte is named King of Naples by his brother Napoleon.

4 April – Publication of a catechism approved by the cardinal legate of the Pope as the only one in use in all Catholic churches of the Empire. – 11 April – The departments of the Netherlands, Upper-Rhine, Doubs, Jura, Côte-d'Or, Ain, Saone-et-Loire, Rhone and Upper-Saone will pay half the expenses that require the creation of a channel forming the junction of the Rhone and the Rhine rivers, which will be called: Napoleon channel. – 14 April – A deputation of notables from Bordeaux comes to Paris to ask permission of raising at Bordeaux an equestrian statue of the Emperor. – 22 April – The Bank of France becomes institution of state.

2nd May – The insignia of the Legion of Honor will now be surmounted of an imperial crown. – 10 May – Foundation of the University. – 24 May – Napoleon suppresses the republican regime in Holland.

5 June – Napoleon 1 appoints his brother Louis Bonaparte King of Holland. Bernadotte becomes Prince of Ponte-Corvo, Talleyrand becomes Prince of Benevento.– 8 June – Decree on the theater system. The Odeon Theater becomes Theater of the Empress. – 10 June – The importation of British goods in the kingdom of Italy is prohibited. – 21 June – Because of the Pope refuses to expel the English of Rome, French troops occupy the port of Civita Vecchia, by order of Napoleon. – 24 June – A decree prohibits gambling houses throughout the extent of the French Empire.

10 July – Napoleon Ist sends to Italy two French actors troops. – 12 July – Sixteen states in present-day Germany leave the Holy Roman Empire and joined together in a confederation called Confederation of the Rhine, under the protectorate of Napoleon. – 16 July – Creation of a Fund of service where the tax collectors have to deposit funds as soon as they recover them. – 24 July – The troops of infantry receive a new uniform.

1st August – At the Diet of Regensburg, fourteen German princes announce their union to the Confederation of the Rhine, under the protectorate of the Emperor of the French. – 3rd August – Closure of the conscription of 1806. – 6 August – Francis II renounces at the title of Emperor of Germany and proclaims himself Emperor of Austria under the name of Francis 1. – 11 August – The Count of Metternich, Ambassador of Austria, delivers to Napoleon 1 his letters of credence. – 14 August – Creation of Majorats, which are hereditary fiefs of the Empire. – 15 August – The Feast of the Emperor anniversary is celebrated with games, lights and fireworks. Laying of the foundation stone of the arch of triumph of the Etoile.

6 September – The King Frederick William III of Prussia, in a letter to the Emperor Alexander I of Russia, declares himself ready to attack the disturber of the rest of the world the day when the Russian armies would march and when the subsidies of England would have reached. – 10 September – The Prussian troops begin to move. – 12 September – They come in Saxony. – 13 September – Death of Charles James Fox, the only supporter of peace in the british government. – 17 September – First movements of French troops: the army corps of Marshal Bernadotte turns on in the direction of Bayreuth. – 19 September – Marshals Davout and Ney get the order of joining the body of their army. – 20 September – Napoleon 1 sends a call at his German allies. – 24 September – The Imperial Guard leaves Paris. – 25 September – Napoleon leaves Saint-Cloud at 4 AM for the campaign. – 30 September – Creation of the reserve army of the Rhine, in order to keep the communication with the Grand Army committed in Germany, and to be used as backup troops. Victory of Marshal Marmont on a body of Russian army at Castelnuovo.

1st October – Ultimatum of Prussia which requires that French troops leave Germany. – 5 October – First horse race ever in Paris. – 6 October – Arrived at Bamberg, Napoleon reviews the Imperial Guard and addresses a proclamation to his army. – 8 October – The French spend the Saale and enter Cobourg. – 9 October – The first battle of the campaign takes place near the city of Schleitz, in the presence of Napoleon, . – 10 October – Battle of Saalfeld. Prince Louis of Prussia is killed. – 11 October – The vanguard of the French army reaches Leipzig. – 12 October – Taking of Naumburg. Napoleon writes to the King of Prussia, advising him to renounce at the war. – 14 October – Battle of Jena-Auerstadt. – 15 October – Napoleon returns on parole six thousand Saxons captured the day before. – 16 October – Fourteen thousand Prussians locked in Erfurt surrender to Marshal Murat. – 17 October – Combat and taking of the city of Halle. – 18 October – Entry of the French army into Leipzig. – 19 October – Enter at Halberstadt. – 20 October – Enter at Wittenberg. – 21 October – Arrival of French headquarters at Potsdam. – 22 October – Acting at the name of the King of Prussia, the Marquis of Lucchesini arrives at Wittenberg and requests for peace to Napoleon . – 23 October – Installation of the French command at Charlottenburg. – 24 October – Emperor Napoleon 1 visites the palace of Sanssouci and the room of Frederick II the Great. – 25 October – Napoleon reviews his guard at Potsdam. – 26 October – Napoleon goes and meditates at the tomb of Frederick II, and announces that the sword of the King will be part of the spoils that will be sent to Paris. – 27 October – Napoleon enters Berlin. – 28 October – The Prince of Hohenlohe and his 17,000 soldier surrender in Prentzlow. – 29 October – The city of Stettin surrenders. – 30 October – French army takes possession of the States of the Duke of Brunswick. – 31 October – Taking of possession of the country of Hesse-Cassel.

1st November – Taking of the city of Castrini by Marshal Davout. – 4 November – The French enter Posen. – 5 November – Marshal Bernadotte occupies the city of Schoenberg. – 6 November – Taking of Lubeck by General Drouet. – 7 November – The remnants of the army of Blücher capitulate. – 8 November – French enter Magdeburg. – 9 November – A contribution of one hundred and fifty million Francs is required from the allies of Prussia. – 10 November – Taking of possession of the Electorate of Hanover. – 11 November – Arrival of the Russians, who come at the relief of the Prussians. – 16 November – A ceasefire is signed between France Prussia at Charlottenburg. – 19 November – A deputation of the French Senate is received by Napoleon at the royal palace of Berlin. – 21 November – Napoleon decrees the blockade of the British Isles: all trading with the United Kingdom is prohibited, including neutral countries. – 25 November – The Emperor leaves Berlin. – 28 November – Entry of the French Army at Warsaw.

13 December – Birth of Charles Leon, the illegitimate son of Napoleon and of Eleanor Denuelle de la Plaigne, maid of honor of Caroline Murat. – 19 December – Arrival of Napoleon at Warsaw. – 22 December – Passage of the Vistula river by the cavalry of Marshal Davout. – 26 December – French victories at Soldau, Golymin and Pultusk. – 27 December – The French army goes into winter quarters at Pultusk.