N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Napoleonic Timeline of 1807

Chronology of the Napoleonic era [1769...] [1789...] [1794...] [1796] [1797] [1798] [1799] [1800] [1801] [1802] [1803] [1804] [1805] [1806] [1807] [1808] [1809] [1810] [1811] [1812] [1813] [1814] [1815] [1816...] [1840]
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1807

1st January – Napoleon 1st meets Maria Walewska for the first time. – 5 January – The city of Breslau (nowadays Wroclaw) surrenders. – 7 January – The British government reacts to the Berlin decree of 21 November 1806 by blocking all ports of France and French colonies. – 13 January – Poland is entirely evacuated by the Russians. – 29 January – End of winter quarters. – 30 January – Napoleon leaves Warsaw.

8 February – Battle of Preussisch-Eylau. – 12 February – Fight of Marienwerder. – 15 February – The city of Schwednitz is taken by French army. – 16 February – Battle of Ostrolenka. – 19 February – Fight of Neugardt. – 24 February – Battle of Glatz. – 25 February – Fight of Peterswald. – 26 February – Taking of Braunsberg.

6 March – Fight of Wittemburg. – 7 March – Fight of Zecheren. – 12 March – Start of the siege of Danzig. – 20 March – Five legions of reserves are created, composed of conscripts from 1808; they must defend the borders and coasts of the French Empire.

1st April – Castle of Finckenstein becomes the headquarters of Napoleon. – 7 April – Class 1808 (80,000 men) is called in advance. – 15 April – From Napoleon 1 to Joseph Fouché: We must give the public a firmer direction ... There is no question of talking incessantly about peace. This is the good way not to have it, but to implement protective measures on all points. – 25 April – A new alliance is signed between the King Frederick William III of Prussia and the Emperor Alexander I of Russia at Bartenstein. They undertake not to deal with Napoleon before France has been reduced to the boundary of the river Rhine.

4 May – A pact of friendship is signed at Finckenstein between France and Persia. – 17 May – The sword of Frederick the Great solemnly enters the Invalides. – 26 May – City of Danzig surrenders to Marshal Lefebvre.

6 June – Napoleon leaves Finckenstein and enters into campaign. – 14 June – Battle of Friedland. – 16 June – French enter Koenigsberg (nowadays Kaliningrad). – 19 June – Arrival of Napoleon at Tilsit. – 21 June – A one-month truce with Russia is signed at Tilsit. – 25 June – Two Emperors Napoleon and Alexander I meet on a raft in the middle of the river Niemen. – 28 June – King of Prussia arrives in Tilsit. – 29 June – The three monarchs are holding a friendly conference.

4 July – In the Mercure de France (french newspaper): In vain Nero prospers... Tacitus is already born in the Empire, signed: François-René de Chateaubriand. – 6 July – The Queen Louise of Prussia arrives at her turn at Tilsit. – 8 July – The Peace Treaty of Tilsit and a Franco-Russian alliance are signed. – 9 July – Napoleon I leaves Tilsit. – 21 July – Prefects of the French Empire are ranked by results obtained in hunting for draft evaders. – 22 July – The Great-Duchy of Warsaw is created. – 27 July – Return of Napoleon at Saint-Cloud. – 29 July – An army of 20,000 men is gathered in Bayonne (Southwest France) in order to invade Portugal, which is still trading with England.

9 August – Talleyrand leaves the Foreign Ministry. – 11 August – The King of Denmark receives from the British government summons to join the anti-French coalition. – 15 August – A Te Deum is sung at Notre-Dame-de-Paris, on the occasion of Napoleon's bithday and to celebrate peace, Napoleon himself attending. – 18 August – Jerome Bonaparte, Napoleon's youngest brother, is named King of Westphalia. – 19 August – The Tribunes are removed by Senatus consultum. Its powers are transferred to the legislative body. – 27 August – Note of Napoleon to Emmanuel Crétet, Minister of Interior: Caring for the Imperial Library, first by organizing it. We need a leader for all.

2nd September – Bombardment of Copenhagen by the English. – 3rd September – The interest rate of money is limited by law to five percent in civil and six per cent in trade. – 7 September – Copenhagen surrenders to the English. – 11 September – The french Commercial Code is published. – 14 September – Surrender of the British expeditionary force in Egypt to Muhammad Ali. – 16 September – The Court of Auditors is created in Paris.

10 October – A treaty outlining the boundaries between the Austrian provinces and the Kingdom of Italy is signed. – 12 October – General Jean-Andoche Junot is ordered to cross the Spanish border, within twenty-four hours. – 14 October – Napoleon establishes measures to be taken by allies of France in order to maintain the continental blockade. – 15 October – From Napoleon to the ambassador of Portugal: If Portugal does not do what I want, the House of Braganza will no longer reign in Europe in two months. – 17 October – The French army enters Spain after crossing the Pyrenees Mountains. – 20 October – The British evacuate Copenhagen, but take the Danish fleet. Portugal officially declares war to England. – 22 October – A secret alliance is concluded between Portugal and England. – 27 October – A secret treaty of Fontainebleau between France and Spain plans the sharing of Portugal.

1st November – A Superintendent of entertainment is created; the four main theaters of the capital will be under his authority. – 11 November – An English government injunction requires all neutral ships to pass through England before landing on the continent. – 16 November – Napoleon I leaves for Milan. – 23 November – In Milan he takes the following decree: Any ship, under any flag whatever, having been visited by English or having entered a port in England, will be considered as English and treated as such . – 29 November – Prince Regent of Portugal and his family board for Brazil on a British ship. – 30 November – The French enter Lisbon.

3rd December – The twenty richest merchants and bankers of Lisbon subscribe to a forced loan of two million Cruzadas. – 14 December – Inauguration of the French flag in Lisbon, which causes a popular riot. – 23 December – Portugal is imposed a contribution of one hundred million Francs.