N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Napoleonic Timeline of 1815

Chronology of the Napoleonic era [1769...] [1789...] [1794...] [1796] [1797] [1798] [1799] [1800] [1801] [1802] [1803] [1804] [1805] [1806] [1807] [1808] [1809] [1810] [1811] [1812] [1813] [1814] [1815] [1816...] [1840]
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815

3rd January – A secret treaty is signed between France, England and Austria, intending to impede the Prussian and Russian ambitions in Germany ...

12 February – Hugues-Bernard Maret, Duke of Bassano, sends to Napoleon 1 an emissary, baron Pierre-Alexandre-Edouard Fleury de Chaboulon, to advise him to hasten his return to France. – 26 February – The brig Inconstant, accompanied by a flotilla of four three-masted and two feluccas, departs at nine o'clock from the island of Elba, Napoleon aboard.

1st March – Napoleon 1st lands in Golfe-Juan  , between Cannes and Antibes, French riviera. – 5 March – At noon, Napoleon arrives in Sisteron, southern French Alpes. At eleven o'clock, he comes to the city of Gap. French royal government is informed of the landing of Napoleon. – 6 March – King Louis XVIII chairs a cabinet meeting to deal with the return of Napoleon. The King asks for the convocation of Parliament. A royal decree declares Napoleon Bonaparte traitor and rebel. All commanders of the armed forces will run down, bringing him before a court martial and shooting him on the simple fact of his identity. – 7 March – The news of the departure of Napoleon from Elba arrives in Vienna. – 10 March – Napoleon enters Lyon. – 11 March – Napoleon reviews his troops on the Place Bellecour, Lyon. He takes a decree that dissolves the chambers of Louis XVIII, and another one that directs all emigrants returned after 1st January 1814 to immediately get out of the Empire. He leaves Lyon at noon. The same day, the Congress of Vienna says: Napoleon Bonaparte has placed himself outside the civil and social relations and as an enemy and disturber of the world, he has engaged in public prosecution. – 18 March – The French Chamber of Deputies declares that the war against Napoleon Bonaparte is national. – 19 March – King Louis XVIII asks the Army to remain faithful, while promising to forgive and forget lost children. He leaves the Tuileries at midnight. In the night, Napoleon arrives in Montereau. – 20 March – Napoleon arrives at Fontainebleau at 4 AM. At 9 AM he reaches the courtyard of the Tuileries Palace and sets up a government. – 21 March – Lazare Carnot is made Minister of Interior and Count of the Empire. – 23 March – Louis XVIII publishes from Lille, North France, an order to all French commanding to disobey an order of mobilization from Napoleon Bonaparte. – 24 March – The imperial power suppresses the direction of the library and censorship. – 25 March – Legislation passed by the revolutionary assemblies against the Bourbons are updated. – 26 March – The National Guard of Paris will have the Emperor as commander. – 27 March – The Council of State annulles the forfeiture of Napoleon. – 30 March – The Imperial University, suppressed by Louis XVIII on 17 February, is reinstated.

17 April – Napoleon 1 moves to the Elysee Palace. – 20 April – The Parisians are informed, by firing a hundred guns, that the tricolor flag fleets again on all the cities of France. – 22 April – Publication of the Acte additionel (supplementary to the constitutions of the Empire). – 25 April – The Allies are committed not to lay down their arms until they have killed Napoleon.

2nd May – Louis XVIII, in a manifesto published in Ghent, Belgium, calls the French people to chase out the usurper. – 12 May – The Allies confirm their decision of April 25th. – 15 May – Royalist rebellion in the Vendee, West France. – 26 May – The Tsar Alexander I of Russia, theEmperor Francis I of Austria and King Frederick William III of Prussia start leading the liberation army.

1st June – Assembly of the Champ-de-May: Emperor Napoleon I swears-in to new constitutions of the Empire. – 2nd June – The British House of Commons vote a budget of 3,169,622 pounds for war costs in 1815. – 9 June – The final treaty, which sets the state of Europe, is signed at the Congress of Vienna. – 12 June – Napoleon leaves Paris to join the army. – 14 June – Proclamation to his troops. – 15 June – The French army crosses the river Sambre. – 16 June – The enemy suffers heavy losses in the plains of Fleurus, near Ligny, but is not destroyed. – 18 June – Battle of Mont-Saint-Jean (a.k.a. Waterloo). – 21 June – Napoleon returns to the Elysee palace, Paris. – 22 June – Abdication in favor of Napoleon II. Joseph Fouché forms a provisional government. – 24 June – Napoleon leaves Paris. The White Terror begins in the South of France. – 25 June – King Louis XVIII returns to France.

3rd July – Capitulation of Paris. – 7 July – Ministry Talleyrand-Fouché is established by theCount of Artois . – 8 July – King Louis XVIII returns to Paris. – 15 July – Napoleon embarks at Rochefort aboard the HMS Bellerophon, commanded by Captain Frederick Maitland, which sails to England.

7 August – Napoleon is transferred aboard the HMS Northumberland, which sails to the island of St. Helena, located in the middle of the South Atlantic.

16 October – St. Helena.