N & E
Napoleon & Empire

Napoleonic Timeline of 1811

Chronology of the Napoleonic era [1769...] [1789...] [1794...] [1796] [1797] [1798] [1799] [1800] [1801] [1802] [1803] [1804] [1805] [1806] [1807] [1808] [1809] [1810] [1811] [1812] [1813] [1814] [1815] [1816...] [1840]
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1811
Napoleon Bonaparte in 1811

1st January 1811 – For New Year gifts to Empress Marie-Louise, Napoleon 1st offers her a locket containing her portrait.

1st February 1811 – James Madison, President of the United States of America, commands the British government to cease controlling american ships. – 11 February 1811 – President Madison prohibits trading with Great-Britain.

11 March 1811 – Capture of the city of Badajoz by Marshal Soult. – 12 March 1811 – Marshal Ney defeats the English troops commanded by Arthur Wellesley at Redinha. – 20 March 1811 – In the Tuileries Palace, Paris: birth of Napoleon François Charles Joseph Bonaparte, King of Rome, the son of Napoleon 1 and Marie-Louise.

26 April 1811 – French bishops are summoned to National Council.

7 May 1811 – Start of construction of the Palace of the King of Rome on the hill of Chaillot, in Paris.

9 June 1811 – The King of Rome is christened. –  17 June 1811 – The council opens at Notre-Dame. It is composed of ninety-five prelates, whose forty-two are Italians.

10 July 1811 – Dissolution of the National Council of Bishops by order of Napoleon I. – 27 July 1811 – A million Francs is affected by decree for embellishments of the city of Rome.

19 September 1811 – Departure of Napoleon for Holland. – 30 September 1811 – Empress Marie-Louise joins the Emperor at Antwerp.

18 October 1811 – Creation, in Amsterdam, of the Imperial Order of Reunion; it commemorates the union of Holland and France and replaces the royal order of the Union.

11 November 1811 – Return of Napoleon 1 and Marie-Louise in Saint-Cloud.

19 December 1811 – Closure of hundred and twenty thousands conscripts.